Saturday Morning, 20 October, 2012
The last leg of out trip is a 140 mile ride from Jacksonville to Clermont. There are several ways to do this and over the years we've tried every way possible but have settled on the best ride as far as we are concerned.
We can't leave until we've had one last "Special Frittata" of Andy's and as we are getting dressed and packed up we can smell breakfast. As we suspected it has some seafood and other goodies along with eggs and cheese and I told Andy that it was of picture quality and suitable for framing.
The weather in Jacksonville this morning is beautiful and the forecast is for "Beautiful" all the way home. After riding in some pretty miseable temperatures the 66 degreees and climbing when we woke up is what we've been looking for all along. It's still chilly enough for jackets but it's just right.
ME and Andy are closely monitoring our departure and oblige by taking some photos of us before we leave. We realized we'd gone the whole ride with very few pictures of us and the Wing.
About a mile from there house we turn south on Florida Highway 13, cross the bridge at Junlington Creek and we are on our way. We stay south on 13 until we can turn west and take the bridge over the St.Johns River and intercept US Highway 17 at Green Cove Springs. We both like crossing the river on this particular bridge and Marguerite gets a great photo of our shadow as we reach the high point of the bridge.
At 17 we turn south heading for Plataka where we will pick up Florida Highway 19 and continue south for a very nice run through the Ocala National Forest. This is a pretty ride on good road. For those riders having not done this that live in Florida, you should add this to your list of "Roads to Ride".
Our Frittata didn't last all that long and we have a spot along this route that is a great stop for any meal but breakfast or lunch is very good. It's called the Mason Jar and it's located in Donna Vista, Florida. Don't blink going through Donna Vista or you'll will miss it, but ya can't miss the sign for the Mason Jar.
Nothing real fancy, just good old southern cooking. We treat ourselves to a nice lunch.
From here we are pulling into our driveway in about one hour. There's the inevitable unpack and storing the Wing after a ride. It seems much easier to pack it up and leave than unpack and stow.
At the first stop after we departed we both noted with great displeasure that I'd left behind to essential items that we always take. The two airhawk seat cushions and the little stretch net that is really useful for holding "stuff" on top of the rear trunk bag. As soon as we raise the garage door we both see them carefully stacked on top of the lawn mower seat. Me, the guy who wasn't going to take his heavy jacket, the guy Marguerite finally convinced that I should, the guy who would have frozen to death if he hadn't, had unpacked the Wing at the last minute to add his jacket and forgot to put the cushions and the net back on at the last minute. So there they sat in all there glory and there we stood with tender posteriors and side bags crammed to the breaking point because we didn't have our little net to hold down those extra's.
Of course the ultimate "downer" at the end of the nice ride is when you open the front door and find all the mail that has been collected by friends or in our case family and placed on the dining room table.
Along with the mail we discovered that the garage door would go up when the button was pushed but will now for some reason not come down. There have been a number of power outages and all the clocks need resetting. If it weren't for needing to do laundry and pay a few bills, I think we'd both get back on the Wing and just keep going.
Tomorrow will be the last posting for this adventure and will include a summary of the ride which should add some insight to "Winging It Our Way."
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